Experience Report about PENTAX K-3 Mark III Monochrome by Mike Muizebelt
Experience Report about PENTAX K-3 Mark III Monochrome by Mike MuizebeltMike Muizebelt Photographer from the Netherlands:
"... It is soooo light sensitive..."
Mike Muizebelt presenting K-3 Mark III Monochrome
PENTAX photographers had the opportunity to test the K-3 Mark III monochrome in their everyday photography before its market launch. We share their assessment here.
PENTAX K-3 III Monochrome // HD PENTAX-DA16-50mmF2.8ED PLM AW // Focal length: 16mm (24mm 35 mm equiv.) // ISO500 // Exposure time: 1sec. // Aperture: F9 // Exposure compensation: +0.7EV
Independently of the launch of the K-3 Mark III monochrome, Mike Muizebelt started his >monochrome project<.
Since he started photography over 30 years ago, he has mostly photographed in colour. The colours of nature are often impressive. For example, the freshness of a healthy forest is easily captured in colour and sunrises and sunsets always show their natural beauty best in a colour image.
To further improve his craft, he launched the Monochrome Project (link) in early 2023. Within this framework, he has set himself the goal of photographing the majority of his free works in black and white or monochrome. Here he concentrates entirely on contrasts, the tension between light and shadow, but also on compositions of shapes and patterns. He hopes to simplify his thought processes by working in black and white, and that this will produce a body of work with images that speak to the soul.
PENTAX K-3 III Monochrome // HD PENTAX-D FA 70-200mm F2.8ED DC AW // Focal length: 115mm (177mm 35 mm equiv.) // ISO200 // Exposure time: 1/5sec. // Aperture: F20 // Exposure compensation: -1EV
Monochrome photography is a timeless and classic art form and a different way of seeing the world around you. With 35 years of experience, he is not a complete newcomer to this art form, yet the following examples are merely the beginning of a process.
When starting the project, Mike Muizebelt's new PENTAX K-3 III monochrome came in handy. He has been shooting with the PENTAX system in all formats for many years, but was still more than surprised by the results with the camera.
PENTAX K-3 III Monochrome // HD PENTAX-DA16-50mmF2.8ED PLM AW // Focal length: 19mm (29mm 35 mm equiv.) // ISO250 // Exposure time: 25sec. // Aperture: F13 // Exposure compensation: +0.7EV
PENTAX K-3 III Monochrome // HD PENTAX-D FA 70-200mm F2.8ED DC AW // Focal length: 70mm (108mm 35 mm equiv.) // ISO6400 // Exposure time: 1/160sec. // Aperture: F9
PENTAX K-3 III Monochrome // HD PENTAX-D FA 150-450mm F4.5-5.6 ED DC AW // Focal length: 450mm (695mm 35 mm equiv.) // ISO2000 // Exposure time: 1/640sec. // Aperture: F6.3 // Exposure compensation: +0.3EV
PENTAX K-3 III Monochrome // HD PENTAX-D FA 150-450mm F4.5-5.6 ED DC AW // Focal length: 410mm (633mm 35 mm equiv.) // ISO51200 // Exposure time: 1/500sec. // Aperture: F7.1 // Exposure compensation: -1EV
PENTAX K-3 III Monochrome // HD PENTAX-D FA 150-450mm F4.5-5.6 ED DC AW // Focal length: 380mm (587mm 35 mm equiv.) // ISO6400 // Exposure time: 1/400sec. // Aperture: F5.6 // Exposure compensation: +0.3EV
Mike Muizebelt about the K-3 III monochrome:
"After using the camera for a few outdoor sessions, the main features I noticed are the excellent detail, sharpness and gradients in the blacks, the greys, and the whites.
Awesome! It is unlike any black and white conversion from a full color image.
High ISO (and I mean 10.000 and higher) is no problem with this camera. It’s soooo light sensitive!
The K-3 mark III monochrome is a true joy to use, but also unforgiven. If your
composition and exposure is off, the images lack impact. It requires the most of the photographer and therefore it shines in the hands of a good photographer. This is one of the main reasons I like shooting with it; it requires all your attention when you work with it, but when everything falls into place the results will be spectacular!