Transmetteur d'images PENTAX 2
Transmetteur d'images PENTAX 2 €199,99
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Transmetteur d'images PENTAX 2

Transfère automatiquement les images enregistrées vers un ordinateur
Rupture de stock

Contrôle à distance de l'appareil photo depuis un ordinateur (déclenchement, ouverture, vitesse d'obturation, sensibilité, compensation d'exposition) et affichage Live View sur un ordinateur.

Dans les studios qui utilisent des appareils photo numériques, les photographes doivent vérifier chaque prise de vue test sur un PC tout en se concentrant sur l'éclairage et la configuration des paramètres de l'appareil photo. IMAGE Transmitter 2 offre un contrôle à distance de la caméra depuis un PC pour les PENTAX K-1 Mark II, K-1, KP, 645Z et 645Z IR. En plus d'enregistrer des images dans n'importe quel dossier de votre choix sur un PC, vous pouvez régler les paramètres d'exposition tels que l'ouverture et la sensibilité ISO, et déclencher l'obturateur tout en utilisant l'affichage Live View, ce qui rend la prise de vue en studio beaucoup plus efficace.


●Automatically transfer recorded images to a computer
●Remote camera control from a computer (shutter release, aperture, shutter speed, sensitivity, exposure compensation)
●Live View display on a computer

At studios that use digital cameras, photographers need to check each test shot on a PC while concentrating on lighting and configuring camera settings. IMAGE Transmitter 2 offers remote camera control from a PC for the PENTAX K-1 Mark II, K-1, K-3 Mark III, KP, 645Z, 645Z IR, and RICOH G900SE. In addition to saving images in any folder you like on a PC, you can adjust the exposure settings such as aperture and ISO sensitivity, and release the shutter all while using the Live View display, making studio shooting much more efficient.

Studio photography workflow

1. Directly connect the camera and computer to shoot

Using a USB 2.0 cable on the K-1 Mark II, K-1, and KP, and a USB 3.0 cable on the K-3 Mark III, 645Z, 645Z IR, and RICOH G900SE, you can directly connect the camera to a computer (Mac or Windows) and share images while using Live View display in the studio.

* IMAGE Transmitter 2 (sold separately) software must be installed on the computer. Once you specify a folder to save image data to, IMAGE Transmitter 2 saves recorded images in the folder in sequence.



2. Save recorded images to an SD card and copy them to a computer


Recorded images are saved to the SD card inserted in the camera. After shooting, remove the SD card and copy images to a computer.

* Both RAW data and JPEG data can be recorded separately to two SD cards.(excluding KP, G900SE)


3. Images can be displayed simultaneously on an HDMI monitor while the camera and PC are connected directly


Using a USB 2.0 cable on the K-1 Mark II, and K-1, and a USB 3.0 cable on the K-3 Mark III, 645Z, 645Z IR, and RICOH G900SE, you can directly connect the camera and computer. Simply attach a cable to the HDMI jack on the camera body and an HDMI monitor or TV to check the camera Live View, quick view, and play back images in real time. This feature can be utilized for occasions such as client checking when you display images on two monitors.

* When an HDMI and USB cable are connected simultaneously, Live View image display is not available on IMAGE Transmitter 2.
* Make sure to update to the latest version of IMAGE Transmitter 2 and the latest version of the K-1 Mark II, K-1, K-3 Mark III, KP, 645Z, 645Z IR, and RICOH G900SE firmware when using IMAGE Transmitter 2.

System requirements

OS Windows 10 (32bit/64bit)/ Windows 8.1 (32bit/64bit)/ Windows 8 (32bit/64bit)/ Windows 7 (32bit/64bit)
CPU Intel Core 2 Quad or higher
RAM 4GB or more
HDD Program installation and start-up: 100 MB or more Space taken up on HDD (per file):
Monitor 1024x768 pixels, 24-bit color higher
Interface USB 3.0, USB 2.0
Other .Net Framework 4.5.1

OS macOS 10.15/ macOS 10.14/ macOS 10.13/ macOS 10.12
CPU Intel Core 2 Quad or higher
RAM 4GB or more
HDD Program installation and start-up: 100 MB or more Space taken up on HDD (per file):
Monitor 1024x768 pixels, 24-bit color higher
Interface USB 3.0, USB 2.0

Transmetteur d'images PENTAX 2



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